
general practice

.general 'practice
the work of a doctor or lawyer who deals with all the ordinary types of illnesses or legal cases, rather than one specific type
a group of lawyers or doctors who do all types of work
1. Each demanded some payment that was overdue: twelve shillings for the furniture and oilcloth; one pound four and one penny for the General District and Special Rates; and one pound one and fivepence halfpenny for Poor Rate.

2. But the general is the dearest old man!

3. But when I went into his room, a carton of cigarettes in my hand, I discovered the "head waiter" in the uniform of a Major General.

4. We derived knowledge from practice.

5. We have a general cleaning every Saturday.

6. With practice, no doubt, I could in time learn to write by holding the pen still while the paper moved.

7. We were going up for a practice battle.

8. The proposal found general acceptance.

9. The general arts course at the university encompasses a wide range of subjects.

10. The general is hesitant to court-martial the man.
